Kurssi tutkimusrahoituksen hakemisesta ja tutkimussuunnitelman kirjoittamisesta - ilmoittaudu 11.3. mennessä


Tampereen yliopistolla alkaa Tays Syöpäkeskuksen sekä Lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunnan (MET) tutkijakoulun kanssa yhteistyönä järjestettävä lääketieteen alan tutkijoille suunnattu kurssi tutkimusrahoituksen hakemisesta ja tutkimussuunnitelman kirjoittamisesta. Se on tarkoitettu myös jo väitelleille tutkijoille syventävänä kurssina tukemaan tutkimusrahoitushakemista.

Kurssille voi osalliastua myös Pirkanmaan hyvinvointialueelta. Kurssille on ennakkoilmoittautuminen 11. maaliskuuta mennessä.

Research Plan and Grant Writing (1 ECTS) 

This course consists of lectures that deal with research plan and grant writing from different perspectives. It will provide students with practical tips and strategies for grant writing and budgeting.

After the course, students will: 

  • understand the research funding system (national & international/EU) 
  • know how to strengthen their skills in grant writing 
  • understand the strategy and structure of a successful research plan 
  • be able to make budget for grant proposal 

 Course is aimed at end-stage PhD students and researchers (PhDs) at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology and Tampere University Hospital.  

You can only complete the course once; the content will be similar to each implementation. 
Language: English
Evaluation: pass/fail, attendance at lectures and a learning diary. Deadline for the diary is 10.6.2024. 


Wed 20.3. at 13–15 Research Funding: When, why & how? Teams 
Mika Saarinen, Research Funding Specialist, Research Services, TAU 

Wed 27.3. at 13–15 EU and international research funding Hervanta (tba) and Teams 
Tiina Lehtiniemi, Research Funding Specialist, Research Services, TAU 

Wed 3.4. Research funding from foundations Recording 
Seppo Parkkila, Professor, Dean, Tampere University 

Wed. 10.4. at 13–15 Processing of personal data and patients’ samples in biomedical research: what does the law require? Arvo F211 and Teams 
Merja Helenius, Special adviser, Regional Cancer Center, FICAN Mid and Tays Cancer Centre 

Wed. 17.4. at 9–11 Data management Teams 
Julia Niskanen, Information Specialist, Tampere University Library 
Thu 2.5. at 14–15 Research funding from Academy of Finland Teams 
Tiina Salminen and Emma Raitoharju, Academy Research Fellows, Tampere University 
Wed. 8.5. at 13–15 A good research plan, Arvo F212 and Teams 
Anssi Auvinen, Professor, Tampere University 
Wed 15.5. at 13–15 Ethical regulations in biomedical research and Ethical review process Teams
Merja Helenius, Special adviser, Regional Cancer Center, FICAN Mid and Tays Cancer Centre 

Lectures are held hybrid/remotely; link will be sent to the participants after the registration deadline. 

Registration by 11.3.2024 in SISU or by this form

This course is organized by the Doctoral Programme in Medicine, Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering together with TAYS Cancer Centre. 
If you have any questions, please contact henna.mattila@tuni.fi or merja.helenius@tuni.fi

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